Badges - Make digital collectibles work for your business

Always feel safe, secure and empowered. When you make a digital collectible, you're in control.

When you use Badges, you're trusting us. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
Gain power of mind without using passwords.
We don't use or store passwords. All you need is an email address to create an account. When you Sign in, we send you an email with a link to click on. It's that easy.
Customize digital collectible however you like.
When you make a digital collectible, you control the artwork, description and the total # to create. It's your business and your brand, so you're in charge.
Get helpful insights, so you can make better decisions.
We want to empower you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about what to create next. For every digital collectible you make, you can see analytics like total page views and # of collects.
Digital Collectibles are permanent.
All digital collectibles are created using blockchain technology. When someone collects a digital collectible, it is “minted on the blockchain” as a record of ownership. That means they officially own it. For more information on blockchain technology, here's one of our favorite resources.
Take your digital collectible anywhere, at any time.
If you want to transfer a digital collectible to your own “digital wallet” like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet for whatever reason, no problem! Just reach out to us at and we'll walk you through the process.
Try Badges for free.
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